Did everyone survive the blizzard? How much snow did you get? Our neighborhood is buried; we got around two and a half feet! Here are a few pictures and videos from our snowy weekend, if you’d like to see…
On Saturday afternoon, we bundled up and braved the storm. We walked up to Prospect Park and around the neighborhood, but only lasted an hour or so because the wind was whipping! Check out this video of the snow basically blowing sideways…
On Sunday afternoon, after the storm passed, we ventured out again. The park was packed with enthusiastic sledders, snowshoers, skiers, snowboarders, and lots of happy dogs. A perfect snow day.
Each time I saw a poor soul shoveling their car out of a mountain of snow I thought, I’m soooo glad we don’t have a car in the city…that looks miserable. Some cars were literally entirely covered!
Except for huge piles of snow and slushy sidewalks, things are pretty much back to normal. Hope you’re having a good start to your week. x
Love the pictures. Wondered if you native New Hampshireites didn’t walk in the snow. We got such dismal news casts, but figured you folks were ok. The weather here was bright and sunny, NOT A SINGLE SNOWFLAKE. Go figure, and we are in snow country and ski area. James got around 9 inches in CT. He made it home before it started to build up…………
Love your pictures especially of the snow falling sideways. Snow only falls sideways in Wyoming. Glad you could enjoy the blizzard.
Thanks for sharing. You do a wonderful job. Love and miss you guys. Enjoy winter, stay safe. Loves xxxxxxoooooooo
Crazy! Brings back painful memories of last year… so glad we escaped this round. Looks like some fun was had though (for those not shoveling)!