“Bought myself flowers today!” my friend texted me yesterday, along with a photo of her new bouquet. I sent back three heart-eye emojis and asked if her husband forget it was Valentine’s Day. “No! We don’t really do anything for Valentine’s Day but I wanted some flowers anyway! No real reason,” she replied. I love that.
Not that you need a reason to buy yourself flowers, but feeling inspired, I went out and bought myself flowers this morning for filing our taxes earlier this week (which, by the way, was way ahead of the deadline — something that has never happened).
Even though I do our taxes each year, I haven’t thought of it as a reason to celebrate before. But if you own a business and have ever filed your own taxes, you know it’s time-consuming and can make you want to pull your hair out. It takes me a few hours to do ours, and I usually have to google tax lingo and skim articles to make sure I don’t miss any deductions.
I’m going to get myself Tax Season Flowers every year from now on, and I love the idea of getting into the routine of picking up a bouquet on a random Wednesday for no reason other than I want to.
Do you buy yourself flowers? If so, do you get them on special occasions? For no reason at all?
PS. An easy flower arranging tip.
(Photo by Janne Ford.)
What a beautiful bouquet! A great way to celebrate little wins throughout the week :)
Yes! Celebrating the little wins is a nice way to think about it!
I love this idea <3
Thanks so much, Caitlin!