Over the past couple years, we’ve taken our daughter to a Forest School in Prospect Park, which has been an amazing way to spend a couple hours outside each week. But around this time of year, when the mosquitoes are really bad, the backs of our necks and ankles get covered in bug bites. To avoid using bug spray that’s packed with chemicals, we turn to The Natural Patch Co, which makes non-toxic, natural mosquito-repellent stickers.

Here’s the backstory: To ward off mosquitos during long summer days in Victoria, Australia, Michael Jankie and Gary Tramer’s kids rubbed citronella candle wax on their clothes. This sparked an idea that eventually became natural, plant-based BuzzPatch mosquito repellent stickers for kids. And they didn’t stop there. The Natural Patch Co now makes patches for everything from allergy relief to sleep to relaxation for both kids and adults.

Along with their plant-based formula, I love how The Natural Patch Co is committed to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. They work with Australian Research Universities to achieve a goal of 100% biodegradability with their patches.

BuzzPatches are not intended to be used on the skin, so for our two-year-old, we stick one patch on the back of her shirt or on her shoulder, and if it’s really buggy out, we’ll put another patch on one of her pant legs.
Since BuzzPatch mosquito repellent stickers use essential oils to mask us from insects, you want to make sure you’re using enough patches to “hide” from the mosquitoes. So I like to use three adult-sized patches, one on my back and one near each of my ankles.

If you’d like to try The Natural Patch Co, get 10% off any product, including bundles and new arrivals, with code KELLEYMACDONALD — plus shipping is free. See all their products here — these are the stickers we love and use!
PS. Park Slope playgrounds your kids will love.
(This post is in partnership with The Natural Patch Co. We only partner with brands and feature products we genuinely love and use. Thank you so much for your support.)
How good is this! I hadn’t heard of these but such a great idea for nature play days
Right?! We love them!
Nice to know that they have adult sized patches too!
Yes, we love both the kid-sized and adult-sized patches!
This is amazing!! I didn’t know these existed! My sweet little two year old gets eaten alive, we will definitely be using these!
Same with our two-year-old!! These have really worked for us, and I love that we don’t have to put anything directly on her skin. Lmk if you try them out!
Great post!
Thanks, Kirsten!
I am going to try these! Thanks for sharing!
Yayyy! Lmk what you think. We’ve been really happy with them!