Hi. How are you? How are you doing with all the COVID-19 news? From Tuesday through Thursday this week, I had jury duty in Downtown Brooklyn, and it seemed like all everyone on the streets and on the subway was talking about was the coronavirus. It’s hitting every one of us in one way or another.
Dan’s office has been working from home all week and will continue to through the end of the month at least. We’re planning on laying low this weekend, doing what we can to limit the spread of the virus and keep our communities healthy. I hope you’re doing okay, and here are some links for your weekend reading…
I’ve found The Atlantic’s articles on the coronavirus to be really helpful in understanding the stats and providing practical steps we should all take to slow the spread of the virus. The CDC also outlines the basic facts.
12 museums that offer virtual tours you can take from your couch.
A recipe to make your own hand sanitizer.
Plus, a DIY recipe for natural cleaning spray.
A reminder to help those in your community who may need an extra hand during this time.
This video captured Italians in Naples singing the song called ‘abbracciame’ (which translates to ‘hug me’) together from their apartment windows.
A trick to get rid of your home’s smelliest spots.
For 27 years, photographer Deanna Dikeman took photos as she waved good-bye and drove away from visiting her parents at their home in Sioux City, Iowa. The photo series is so beautiful.