Hi. How was your week? We’ve been enjoying the new season of Killing Eve. I’m obsessed with Villanelle, the assassin played by Jodie Comer. Every outfit she wears in the series is amazing. We also watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire and loved it. Here are some things for your weekend reading…
Fizzy bath bombs because self care.
An 18-minute video walk-through tour of the blooming cherry blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
A super easy and quick art project to try.
Lots of non-boring things to do with a crush or partner while stuck at home.
Invent your own “pesto” sauce with whatever you have on hand.
Emoji rebrand.
Great tips for stocking a pantry.
Easy DIY face scrubs and masks.
Love this cozy linen bath robe.
(Photo from Pinterest.)