Hi! How was your week? I’m finally feeling better after having some weird stomach bug that I got early in the week. It sucked to spend most of the week on the couch, but I’m looking forward to getting out of the apartment this weekend. Here are some things I ate/watched/read/saw/wore this week…
1. Large quantities of saltines and ginger ale, thanks to said weird stomach bug.
2. Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal, the shocking and disturbing true crime documentary on Netflix. Just by coincidence, we finished this three-episode doc the same day major news broke about Alex Murdaugh.

3. The cherry trees in Prospect Park are just starting to bud!
4. “A Love Letter to Libraries, Long Overdue,” by Elisabeth Egan and Erica Ackerberg for The New York Times. “It’s easy to romanticize libraries. But, the fact is, they’re not “just” about the written word. Were they ever? As local safety nets shriveled, the library roof magically expanded from umbrella to tarp to circus tent to airplane hangar. The modern library keeps its citizens warm, safe, healthy, entertained, educated, hydrated and, above all, connected.”
5. A virtual tour of the Khafre Pyramid Complex at Giza, thanks to Harvard University.
6. Mangalica, the pig with thick, curly hair, after seeing a video of them and questioning their existence.
7. These very comfy, very baggy pants (on sale) from Free People, which I’ve been wearing non-stop. I’m picky about my lounge pants; I like them extra baggy. These pass the test.
8. This Is Where I Leave You, the 2014 comedy with a stacked cast — Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Adam Driver, Jane Fonda, Kathryn Hahn, Dax Shepard, etc etc. The reviews are mixed, but I thought it was funny.
Have a good weekend! xx
(Top photo by Clay Banks.)